Género: Action , Horror , Thriller
Año: 2008
Formato: 4K
Runtime: 99
When John takes his San Francisco friends to his deceased uncle's ranch to hunt wild boar, it seems like a typical steroid-impaired 'guys' weekend with guns. As the young men trek deeper into the woods, they begin to realise the awful truth of his uncle's death and the legend of the ripper; a murderous 3000lb boar. Their pursuit takes them through fields of marijuana and into the muddy landscape of big wallow, involving weaponry, the violent Tibbs brothers, tortured animals, a machete-toting hippie, vengeful rednecks, and throat-slitting young women who grow pot by day and worship the giant boar at night. By the time the hunt's over, no one's unscathed. Not for the faint-hearted (or people with an IQ higher than a pebble).
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Hay varios clientes Torrent. Nosotros recomentamos utilizar el bitTorrent. Es muy ligero, fácil de usar, sin publicidad, no ralentiza tu ordenador…
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Si después de descargar axluna película o serie, tienes problemas para verla u oirla, te recomendamos que hagas lo siguiente.
Instala un pack de códecs, nosotros recomendamos el CCCP:
Si no lo tienes instalado, instálate este reproductor de vídeo, el Windows Media Player Classic:
Reinicia el ordenador y se te deberían ver y oír correctamente las películas y series al abrirlas con el Windows Media Player Classic.