Género: Action , Adventure , Biography , Drama , History
Año: 2019
Formato: 4K
Runtime: 125
Norway, 1926. After reading a newspaper about Roald Amundsen being missing in the North Pole, his brother Leon leaves his house to walk to Roald's house next door to await news. Taken for a thief, Leon is attacked by Bess Brigads, Roald's younger love interest. Introducing themselves, Bess learns from Leon about the young Roald, who was raised in a happy family with three brothers fascinated by expeditions to unknown and uncharted lands. When their father died during one of his usual sea voyages and their mother died from disease shortly after, Roald and Leon strengthened their bonds in their wish to be the first men to reach the North Pole, Roald as the explorer and Leon as financier. But in 1908 Frederick Cook's claim to have reached the North Pole forces them to change plans: Roald proposes to go to the South Pole, starting a race against English explorer Robert Falcon Scott, who wants the same achievement for the British Empire. When in 1912 Roald returns successful and Scott dies during his journey, Roald becomes a hero for Norway but is openly despised by Royal Geographical Society members during a dinner in his honor in London. Forced by a previous promise to make a journey by the Bering Strait to study Arctic ocean streams, Roald's ship is stuck in drifting ice for years, changing his character from the long isolation. After meeting a tribe of Inuits, who come to the ship asking for help to heal an ill girl, Roald abandons his ship leaving his crew behind and takes two Inuit children home with him. While Bess and Leon hope to hear news of Roald, she learns more about the man behind the fame, a person so great as adventurer and explorer but so hard and selfish as a human being, determined to fulfill his childhood dreams.—Chockys
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