Género: Action , Comedy , Family , Musical
Año: 2017
Formato: 4K
Runtime: 133
Brimming with nostalgia and excellent music and choreographies, this live TV musical pivots around 1940s Indiana, a kid's warm desire to get the best present, and his adventures leading up to Christmas Eve. More than anything, 9-year-old Ralphie Parker wants to get a powerful Red Ryder carbine-action, 200-shot range model air rifle for Christmas. Instead, Mother Parker gives him a warning. So, to get his hands on the ultimate gift of the holiday season, Ralphie embarks on a mission to talk everyone into seeing things his way. Of course, all the vignettes, the lines, and the gags of the classic original, A Christmas Story (1983), show up, including the Old Man's leg-shaped lamp, the neighbourhood bullies, the flagpole incident, and the little dirty word. Will Ralphie convince the adults he is mature enough not to shoot his eye out if he gets the BB gun?—Nick Riganas
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