Género: Action , Drama , Mystery , Romance
Año: 2016
Formato: 4K
Runtime: 99
Julieta (Emma Suarez) is a middle-aged woman living in Madrid with her boyfriend Lorenzo. They are about to move to Portugal when she casually runs into Bea, the former best friend of Julieta's daughter Antia. Bea reveals that Antia is living in Switzerland, married, with three children. Heartbroken after 12 years of estrangement from her daughter, Julieta cancels the move to Portugal and moves to her former building, hoping that Antia will send her a letter. Alone with her thoughts, Julieta starts to write her memories to confront the pain of the events that happened when she was a teenager (Adriana Ugarte) and met Galician fisherman Xoan. Falling in love with him, Julieta divides her time between her family, her job, and Antia's education until a fatal accident changes their lives. Slowly falling into a depression, Julieta is helped by Antia and Bea, but one day Antia suddenly goes missing after a vacation, with no clues about where to find her, leaving Julieta desperate to understand the reasons of her disappearance..—Chockys
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