Nightmare Weekend (1986)

Género: Action , Horror , Sci-Fi

Año: 1986

Formato: 4K

Runtime: 85


Nightmare Weekend Nighttime. A small plane and two motorcycles. Two men emerge. "We've landed. We're all set." A brunette woman (Julie) speaks to them via radio. "Good luck guys." Two men ride off. Ken (Dale Midkiff) and Bob (Preston Maybank). The two motorcyclists arrive at a large satellite dish with some rope. Still night. A computer screen with childish decoration and colors flashes DANGER and a very cheap looking worn hand puppet (later identified as George) with green yarn hair, green nose, and heart shaped black mouth, rises in front of the screen. The puppet screams danger danger danger. Julie instructs the guys to rotate the satellite dish and hook up the box. While the men hook up the box to the satellite dish, the puppet pushes a button that sends a silver cue ball to attack and kill Bob. His skull is smashed. Dale stares somewhat blankly at Bob's smashed head. Opening song. "You are a nightmare." Plays over a school campus. Inside an aerobics class at the campus. "I told you about the experiment. Are you coming?" The girl say a limo is coming them me up. Jessica says she needs to be with her dad. Kiss your buddy George for me, her friend says. Julie asks a waiter (Harry) at the house "Where's Mary-Rose (Kim Dossin) and Ralph?" They are right here the waiter says. Ralph (Scott Proctor) looks like Colonel Sanders at 20. "I don't want to smell any booze on your breath." Julie tells Ralph. Julie (aka Miss Klingstone) orders the servants to get ready and tells Mary-Rose you are a slut just like your mother. The servants are told 3 girls are coming. Tony on a motorcycle pulls up to the Stage Stop. It is a loud and seedy bar. Afternoon. Tony says what a dive to Gary. Ralph is there and drinking booze from a flask hidden between two pieces of bread. A biker type says "you're quantity and I'm quality." Julie calls Ralph to get out from wherever he his hiding and pick up the girls, now. Jessica arrives at her beautiful home to greet her dad. He has 212 patents. Jessica says George will keep me company. I have to put up with Julie again, is she still after you. A shirtless Dale holds a necklace with a half-cut medallion up next to the Suzuki logo on his motorcycle. There is a flash back to the dead guy. We see he and the dead guy wore matching cut medallion necklaces. In the flashback, it's night time and a trashy woman in a tiger stripe top is organizing a race with six motorcycles. Ken falls and Bob rescues him before a truck runs Ken over. Julie is suddenly standing behind Ken saying it was an accident, stopped blaming yourself. Ken says let's just check out that killer dog of yours, alright? The three girls are getting in the limo driven by Ralph. Linda, the blond, gets a sandwich from her mom. So the girls are Annie (Lori Lewis), Linda (Andrea Thompson), and Girl three. Jessica tells George that Annie wanted to do some psychological test. Jessica says I like Annie, but I like you and daddy more. George, the puppet, is flattered. Jessica asks George to program a race car simulation game for her, but as she is driving, it is clear she is controlling Julies burgundy LTD. Somehow this winds up okay. The Limo with the girls goes to the Stage Stop to get something to drink. Tony knifes the back tire of the limo, with no discernible effect. They leave with Gary in the car. Gary and girl 3 have sex in the car, the Annie, Linda, Ralph, and Tony wait outside. Meanwhile, Julie presents the vicious Doberman pincer to Dr. Edward Brake, who says I told you I am not ready. Later, Julie says cats and rats have had their personalities completely reversed and says Apache is the most powerful machine ever. The Limo arrives with the three girls. Mary-Rose the maid and Harry the butler introduce themselves and tell the girls to relax. Julia says Apache can cure schizophrenics and paranoids and whole world is waiting and it's criminal to waste more time. Jessica plays another driving game, and Julies car is crashed. Jessica says someone else has access to Apache, your daughter. Dad says I forgot to turn off Apache and asks he daughter when you use George, make sure he is not attached to Apache. As a test, Dad and Julie let one of the silver cue balls enter the dog to reverse character disorders. Julie is ecstatic. Dad wonders about 6 months from now. Julie says, loss and inhibition and suppression of fear is a good thing. The dog is friendly now. Jessica roller skates to Stage Stop and takes Ken's seat and they banter briefly. They both watch the biker (aka Pinball Wizard aka Dave (Robert John Burke) have sex with his topless girlfriend while playing pinball. Dave comes on to Julie when does with his girlfriend. Julie is on the phone with a mysterious stranger. She is a spy and taking some orders from him. The girls swim and enjoy themselves. Jessica skates home and says "Diary, George!" She then confesses her feelings about Ken and George tell her she is in love. Jessica gushes to her dad What other Dad would have given me George! Ken arrives at the house and Julie orders Ken to get a personal object from each girl. Dad is bothered by how fast Julie is moving the experiments. Girl 3 gets Ralph to go back to the Stage Stop and Ralph gets his booze sandwich and Girl 3 gets Gary back to the house. Girl 3 comes on to him and is a bit crazy. The pinball wizard is not into his whore, and she says he should go fuck miss innocent. So he rides off. Julie orders Ken to get a tape to San Jose. PW rides up and Jessica at first thinks it is Ken. She is a jerk to PW. He flirts obnoxiously. He then chases her and attempts to rape her. This freaks out George who is back at home. George says emergency code protection Jessica. Ken finds her shoes and clothes and rescues her from the attempted rape. There is a knife fight. Somehow a wrist watch attacks PW and causes him to tumble in a pond and his face to explode. Ken takes off his shirt for Jessica and they ride off on his bike. George claps his hands and killing PW. Julie calls two garage guys. Moustached arrives at Stage House and says "I just bought Billy's bar" to Tony. Ken is friendly with Jessica. Gets gas. Ken has to deliver the parcel as soon as possible so he can't be with her tonight. This is important to my future, or our future. They hug. Ken is still shirtless. Julie has a tarantula that she puts in a sink for some reason. Tony and MG are at __. Dave (PW, Robert John Burke) is missing. People from the bar say let's go look for him. Ken returns and Julie tells Jessica that they are lovers. Jessica is not happy. The fight about Bob. Ken goes after Jessica. Ralph is back at the bar, drinking hard liquor from a bottle hidden between two slices of white bread. Ken reassures Jessica that he never really loved Julie but he loves Jessica. She says the world changed the day we met. They kiss. Gary (Nick James) and Tony (Bruce Morton) arrive at the mansion. They dance and flirt with the girls. There is a watch and also a silver cue ball next to the liquor bottle. Julie is at a computer console. Chill music is playing. Rosemary is in the kitchen making tea. The tarantula and a silver cue ball are there. Tony and Girl 2 start making love. The silver cue ball hides itself in the sugar. Rosemary someone doesn't see the huge tarantula 6 inches in from of her, and then she does. She drops a dish. Then goes to drink some office and the silver cue ball is in her mouth. She's knocked to the floor and the spider is crawling near when her face is lit up weirdly. Now she is kissing the spider, having lost her fear due to Apache, apparently. You were great Linda, I never had is so good. Linda wants more. Rose is still cradling the tarantula. Music goes up tempo and it is apparently Gary;s turn. They start undressing outside. Back to Linda and Tony. Linda is brushing her teeth. Tony is mouthing her underwear at the bed. Suddenly they both have silver cue balls in their mouth. Now over to Ken and Jessica. We here a constant voice over from Jessica as to how wonderful it all is. They are on a deck by a lake and undress and start to make love. Dad suddenly drives off in his car. Back with Gary and ___. A silver cue ball changes into a large ice cube and girl 2 puts it in her drink and then drinks the whole ball. She falls backward into the pool. Back to Ken. He tells Jessica about the necklace and says his friend Bob had the other half and was his best friend ever, since he met Jessica Back to Julie, mystery man asks if the subjects were totally transformed and she assures him yes. Gary and Tony and the 3 girls are all behaving bizarrely and in great distress. Edward confronts Julie who says she has gone to far. Somehow Julie subdues him and ties him up in the bathroom. Julie lies to Jessica that her father is waiting for her at the mansion. Jessica is confronted by two of the affected Girls, one of whom has brushed her scalp bloody. Julie is giving the orders now. The guinea pigs are mostly dead. Julie gets into her car and radios Ken saying we're rich. Ken is at the airstrip. He tells Julie they are not rich together, the check is made out just to him. Dad asks for help cleaning up this junk, but Jessica blows him off to meet Ken at the air strip. Julie, Jessica arrive at the airstrip together. One of the girls arrives with Julie and kills her. The girl then comes after Ken, but Ken kills her with a blow to the head. Meanwhile, George has activate a protect Jessica protocol and a garage door slams shut on Ken's head, killing him. Freeze frame on Jessica's face. The end.

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