Género: Action , Crime , Drama , Mystery
Año: 2009
Formato: 4K
Runtime: 88
Tom Selleck reprises his role as Jesse Stone in the fifth installment of the Jesse Stone franchise from Sony Pictures Television, which includes "Stone Cold," "Jesse Stone: Night Passage," "Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise," and "Jesse Stone: Sea Change," the picture for which he received an Emmy Award nomination. The movies are based on the best-selling series of books by Robert B. Parker.In JESSE STONE: THIN ICE, Paradise, Mass. Police Chief Jesse Stone finds himself in trouble with the Town Council when he inadvertently becomes involved in a shoot-out on a Boston street. His friend, State Homicide Commander Healy, is seriously wounded and Jesse comes under investigation by the Boston Police Department's Internal Affairs Division, which causes him to be away from Paradise for extended periods of time.Jesse further alienates the Council by firing the Paradise Police Department's most prodigious ticket writer, resulting in a considerable loss of revenue for the town. His issues with the Council are further exacerbated when a celebrated out-of-towner shows up in Paradise in search of her missing child, and Jesse agrees to take her case. His continued defiance of the Council's wishes now begins to jeopardize his very job.Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner Kathy Baker ("Picket Fences") and Kohl Sudduth reprise their roles as the only police officers in Paradise. Stephen McHattie reprises his role as State Homicide Commander Healy, as does William Devane as Jesse's psychiatrist, Dr. Dix. Multiple Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner Camryn Manheim ("The Practice," "Ghost Whisperer") joins the cast as Elizabeth Blue, a desperate woman in search of her child, along with Emmy winner Joanna Miles ("The Glass Menagerie") as a woman in Paradise who helps Jesse with his search for the missing child and Leslie Hope ("24"), who stars as a beguiling and attractive internal affairs investigator. [D-Man2010]
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