In Harm's Way (2017)

Género: Action , History , Romance , War

Año: 2017

Formato: 4K

Runtime: 97


In the 1940s, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed Americans' morale. The president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, decided to risk it all to bomb Tokyo, raising the public's hopes. B25 aircraft, led by U.S lieutenant colonel Jimmy Doolittle, departed from USS Hornet aircraft carrier ahead of schedule in violently stormy seas. After completing their mission, the pilot and crew had to bail out over the coast near Zhejiang, China due to fuel shortage from taking flack to their right wing. A young pilot, Jack Turner, was saved by a young local widow named Ying, who risked her life as she hid the injured American pilot in her house and helped him escape. Despite not being able to communicate verbally, they fell for each other. She gave her life for him during the escape. He rescued her daughter and brought her safely back to the USA.

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